As an AI language model, I cannot write an article without knowing what it is about. However, I can provide some tips on writing a proper article.

First, choose a topic that you are interested in or passionate about. It will make the writing process easier and enjoyable. Then, do your research and gather necessary information to support your argument.

The next step is to create an outline. It will help you organize your thoughts and structure your article. Start with an introduction that will grab the reader’s attention and provide an overview of what the article is about. Then, move onto the body paragraphs, where you will develop your ideas and present evidence to support your argument. Finally, conclude your article with a summary of your main points and leave the reader with something to think about.

Make sure to use a clear and concise writing style, avoid unnecessary jargon, and use examples when needed. Also, use headings and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to read. And always, check for grammar and spelling errors before publishing your article.

In summary, writing a great article requires choosing a topic that you are passionate about, doing thorough research, creating an outline, using a clear and concise writing style, and using examples when needed. By following these tips, you can create an engaging and informative article.